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Saturday, November 24, 2018

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Free Course Breakdown Mechanics of Machines and Theory of Machines, Mechanical Engineering

Free Course Breakdown Mechanics of Machines and Theory of Machines, Mechanical Engineering

Course Description
The course will cover the fundamental concept of Mechanics of Machines as designed that will give students a necessary foundation for a comprehensive understanding of Mechanisms and Links Theories and procedures.

Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, Students should be able to:
·         To provides the fundamentals for the kinematic, static, and dynamic analysis of mechanical systems of the type commonly found in machinery.
·         To provide the student with a broad knowledge of the external effects of forces applied to particles, as evidenced by the change of motion produced.
·         To provide the student with a broad knowledge of the internal effects of forces applied to members in structures and mechanisms, as evidenced by the stresses and deformations produced.
·         To provide the student with a foundation for subsequent modules in Mechanics of Machines and other related modules.
Prerequisites: Basics

To achieve the objectives, a variety of teaching methods will be employed including contents presentation, individual and group exercise and methods practices sessions.  This is a three credit-hour course.

Homework assignments
Homework assignments are designed to help you learn the mechanics of the methods discussed in class and to give you an opportunity to apply these concepts in a straightforward manner. In addition to their value as learning exercises, doing a careful and thorough job on the homework assignments is the best preparation for the exams.

-          Quizzes                                                                                                          15%
-          Home Works                                                                                                 15%
-          Mid-Term Exam                                                                                            20%
-          Final Exam                                                                                                    50%

Students are expected to attend all classes. Your learning and your grade depend upon your regular attendance. Students are expected to attend the section, for which they are enrolled, except on an occasional basis as approved in advance by the Teacher. The Institute officially excused absences will be honored, of course, but if you know in advance about a valid reason for missing class, the teacher should be notified. Please note the official policy of the Institute regarding attendance. Students should make every effort to be in class on time. There may be cases when a student comes to class late, but such circumstances should not be chronic, and should be discussed with the teacher. If it is necessary to be late, the student should use common courtesy and quietly take a seat as close to the door as possible.
Consistent with the course objectives, lectures will address learning objectives associated with weekly topics (as outlined in the schedule below), including basic principles and working examples.  While lectures will closely parallel material contained in assigned readings, they are not substitutes.  In particular, lectures will clarify, expand and where necessary, update material contained in assigned readings.

Course Contents and Weekly Schedule

Lecture#                                 Description
Week 1
Simple mechanism, screw threads and efficiency

Week 2
Friction of pivot, collar and conical bearing
Assignment No.1
Week 3
Cone, plate and centrifugal clutch

Week 4
Belts and rope drives, chains and sprockets
Quiz No. 1
Week 5
Controlling bands and shoe brakes, governors
Assignment No.3
Week 6
Effort and  power, sensitivity, force and stability

Week 7
Gyroscope, geometry of gears
Quiz No. 2
Week 8
Gear trains, dynamometers

Week 9
Linkages:  synthesis and  analysis

Week 10
Position,  velocity analysis

Week 11
Acceleration analysis
Quiz No. 3
Week 12
Turning moment diagram

Week 13

Week 14
Cam  and  follower

Week 15
Steering gears
Assignment No.4
Week 16
Balancing Methods


1.      Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, By J. E. Shigley & Uicker, McGraw-Hill
2.      Mechanism Design, By Erdman and Sanders, McGraw-Hill.
3.      Principles of Mechanisms, By F. Dyson, Oxford University Press.
4.      Theory of Machines, By W.G. Green Blackie & Son.
5.      Mechanics of Machines, 2nd Ed, Norton


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